Global leader in flood and climate risk

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Fathom - The role of data report

The role of data: Key to understanding climate risk

Aerial view of flooded houses next to a river
White paper

Navigating global flood risk in a non-stationary world – A primer for actuaries

Product briefing

Metadata — Fathom’s first-of-its-kind assessment of flood risk data certainty

Fathom's Global Flood Map - Pakistan flood simulation
Upcoming webinar

Climate resilience in fast growth markets and the power of data – Sept 19

Swiss Re HQ

Swiss Re acquires Fathom, global leader in water risk intelligence

Global Terrain Data - FABDEM+
New Product

Introducing FABDEM+ – the new standard for a globally consistent and accurate digital elevation model

US Flood Map
New Product

New US Flood Map – The most complete and technologically advanced flood map for the United States

Risk scores
New Product

Fathom Risk Scores – Powerful flood risk metrics for any global location, under any climate scenario


Flood risk as a measure of asset value, panel webinar.


Climate change is
happening now

Fathom’s cutting-edge products support you to understand what impact this has on your flood risk both now and in the future. Our solutions are well established within the industry and set a new benchmark in global flood mapping.

Flood hazard data & maps
Catastrophe modelling
Global Terrain Data

Sectors Fathom has been providing high quality flood risk intelligence across a wide range of sectors since 2013

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Research papers Academic scrutiny of our products gives our clients the reassurance that they are consuming trusted and transparent data from the forefront of science

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New Research paper

Using UNSEEN approach to attribute regional UK winter rainfall extremes

New research uses the UNSEEN climate modelling approach to ask whether increasingly intense daily rainfall is due to climate change.

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Research paper

Fundamental limits to flood inundation modeling

In this article, Fathom’s Chairman Professor Paul Bates explores the limits to flood inundation modeling, and explains why it’s still difficult to accurately predict flood hazards at the scale of individual buildings.

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Research paper

Hyper-resolution PCR-GLOBWB: opportunities and challenges from refining model spatial resolution to 1 km over the European continent

  • Hoch, J.,
  • Sutanudjaja, E.,
  • Wanders, N.,
  • Beek, R.,
  • Bierkens, M.

For the first time, researchers have applied the global hydrological model (GHM) PCR-GLOBWB at 1 km spatial resolution over the entire European continent.

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Research paper

A climate conditioned catastrophe risk model for UK flooding

New research from Bates et al. describes the creation of a transparent flood model for the UK that simulates pluvial, fluvial and coastal flood risks for 10 different return periods.

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Research paper

Co-occurring wintertime flooding and extreme wind over Europe, from daily to seasonal timescales

  • Bloomfield, H.,
  • J.Hillier, J.,
  • Griffin, A.,
  • A.L.Kay, A.,
  • Shaffrey, L.,
  • Panosi, F.,
  • R.James, R.,
  • Kumar, D.,
  • Champion, A.,
  • Bates, P.

Why and when do floods and extreme wind occur together? Will climate change make this happen more frequently? This research sets out to understand the correlations between flood and wind extremes and the impact they have on risk.

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Research paper

Bare-earth DEM generation from ArcticDEM and its use in flood simulation

New research tests ways to generate bare-earth data from ArcticDEM, one of the next-generation digital elevation models that could become an alternative to radar-based DEMs.

Aerial floodplain footage - Houses and trees in flood water
Aerial view of Dar es Salaam
Fathom - The role of data report