Flood and catastrophe risk data for insurers

Rapidly analyze and price exposures across
the world with Fathom’s insurance
risk models

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Make flood risk decisions driven by data, backed by scientists

Flood losses have inundated re/insurers’ claims books, making this so-called ‘secondary’ peril very much a primary concern for risk carriers worldwide. 

Coupled with increasing requirements to stress test against a changing climate landscape, the insurance sector is experiencing fast-evolving demand to quantify and evaluate this growing risk. 

Fathom’s advanced flood risk intelligence enables risk carriers and brokers to analyze, understand, and price any global exposure rapidly, and to assess potential aggregations in an instant. 

Fathom’s data can help insurers with:



Make better decisions about which risks to accept using Fathom’s flood data. Our Flood Maps and Risk Scores allow you to understand existing exposure and deploy the most advanced analytical tools to help you develop a unique view of flood risk. Develop underwriting policies at the individual property or multi-location level using peer-reviewed, well validated data which you can have confidence in. Truly understand the context of flood risk you take on by visualising our data using the Fathom Portal.



Fathom’s data empowers pricing teams to make informed decisions and develop data driven pricing strategies that not only ensure regulatory compliance but also align seamlessly with overarching business objectives. Our highly granular Risk Scores can be used within pricing tools to generate a technical price. These can be delivered in under a second using our performant and flexible API.

Catastrophe modeling


Seamlessly assess the risk across your entire portfolio using Fathom’s off-the-shelf Oasis based cat models – utilising Fathom’s combination of science led and industry informed view of risk having worked with some of the leading insurers, reinsurers and brokers to calibrate the model.

Alternatively take advantage of the full functionality embedded within our cat models to maximise your competitive advantage by customizing and building your own view of risk. Our models are flexible and transparent and allow custom damage functions as well as a wide range of parameters to allow sensitivity testing, all of which enables you to develop a comprehensive understanding of location-specific flood risks and portfolio accumulations.

Regulatory use / stress test


Fathom’s Climate Dynamics framework allows you to understand flood risk for a wide range of potential future climate states including global warming levels to 5°C, time horizons to 2100, and a wide range of emission pathway scenarios.

Fathom uses an ensemble of climate models to help quantify the uncertainties surrounding climate change which allows you to apply your view of the future to determine climate-change flood-impact on your insured portfolio. This flexibility empowers you to confidently respond to regulatory inquiries and conduct thorough stress tests around flood risk.

In a world where the risk of the past no longer reflects the risk of today, Fathom gives you:

Climate driven baseline projections

— Don’t rely solely on historic data. Represent the risk of yesterday, today and tomorrow with Fathom’s climate driven models.

—Represent any climate state, under any emissions pathway and any warming scenario or time horizon.

Discover Fathom’s Climate Dynamics framework

Truly global flood coverage

—Truly global flood maps at 30 meter resolution, covering all flood perils: pluvial, fluvial and coastal.

Product: Global Flood Map 


High resolution data underpinned by state-of-the-art terrain data

— Pinpoint locations of high-risk assets at a resolution of one arcsecond – that’s 1/3600th of a degree, or 30-meters globally. Regional flood maps are available at 10-meters.

This is underpinned by our best-in-class terrain dataset – FABDEM+.

Learn more about Fathom’s Global Terrain Data

Scientific validity and transparency

— We publish all our data in peer-reviewed journals, including some of the most respected and rigorously assessed titles in the academic world. Our team and their academic publications are some of the most cited in their fields.
— Know exactly where the data come from, the methodologies and validation techniques used and how they’ve been independently assessed for quality.

Explore Fathom’s research papers

State of the art technology

— Getting access to Fathom data means access to the latest developments in hydrology, hydraulics and climate. By leading the development of research into this area, we are able to get first access to the next generation of machine learning and modeling techniques before they are available on the market. Licensing our models means that you benefit from this too.

Ongoing customer support

— Get the best for your operations. Our in-house climate and financial risk experts and dedicated Customer Success team will talk you through our products, step-by-step and long after purchase.

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Remi Meynadier AXA Climate Analytics and Research Leader

Quote Everything we were looking for in a development partner was in Fathom. To fulfil our ambition of developing the best model that is transparent and uses the best data, we need to be very close to the academic world. Fathom has been created by the University of Bristol and is very transparent.

Paul McEwan Sompo International Global Risk Analytics Director

Quote Fathom provided a first-rate product and service based upon cutting-edge research and methodologies, which are both robust and transparent. Their flood data sets are global, consistent and high calibre. Most importantly, Fathom is a responsive and collaborative firm who consistently deliver.

Read Case Study
Canopius logo
Marek Shafer Canopius Head of Catastrophe Management

Quote Fathom is an innovative and dynamic organisation at the forefront of flood risk research. They offer a range of specialist modelling tools and use a clear and impressive methodology.

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Chris Ewing Aon Impact Forecasting Head of Client Management

Quote Aon and Impact Forecasting can now more holistically approach clients’ flood risk management and quantification needs thanks to our collaboration with Fathom.

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Understanding and managing flood risk uncertainty

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White paper: Insurance use cases for Fathom’s Global Flood Map

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Report: Can flood risk be used as a measure of asset value?

Power through partnerships

Fathom’s US Flood Map is available in CatNet®, Swiss Re’s leading location intelligence platform. This integration also enables users to leverage multiple flood risk models simultaneously on a single platform, facilitating more comprehensive risk assessments. Book a consultation with our team to learn how you can access Fathom data through CatNet®.
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Nasdaq is a global technology company serving the capital markets and other industries. Nasdaq Risk Modelling for Catastrophes is the first independent multi-vendor catastrophe risk modelling platform for the re/insurance industry.
A not-for-profit founded in 2012 with the goal to open up the world of catastrophe modeling. It is collectively owned by leading insurers, reinsurers brokers and financial institutions.
Geosite’s marketplace provides users with one API for all geospatial data, with 33 partners covering over 1,000 data attributes.
Xceedance empowers global insurance organizations with strategic operations support, innovative technology, and data-driven services.
The Intelligent Risk Platform is the industry’s first open-standard risk platform built on a unified data store and designed to deliver a competitive advantage to its users.
Fathom’s US Flood Map is available in CatNet®, Swiss Re’s leading location intelligence platform. This integration also enables users to leverage multiple flood risk models simultaneously on a single platform, facilitating more comprehensive risk assessments. Book a consultation with our team to learn how you can access Fathom data through CatNet®.
Book a demo
Nasdaq is a global technology company serving the capital markets and other industries. Nasdaq Risk Modelling for Catastrophes is the first independent multi-vendor catastrophe risk modelling platform for the re/insurance industry.
A not-for-profit founded in 2012 with the goal to open up the world of catastrophe modeling. It is collectively owned by leading insurers, reinsurers brokers and financial institutions.
Geosite’s marketplace provides users with one API for all geospatial data, with 33 partners covering over 1,000 data attributes.
Xceedance empowers global insurance organizations with strategic operations support, innovative technology, and data-driven services.
The Intelligent Risk Platform is the industry’s first open-standard risk platform built on a unified data store and designed to deliver a competitive advantage to its users.

Contact usInterested in learning how Fathom data can elevate your insurance underwriting and pricing?