Accessing Fathom’s products

Whatever your need, Fathom offers a range of options for selecting, accessing and consuming our data

Fathom API

Global-scale flood data at high-resolution, for various climate scenarios can quickly lead to many terabytes worth of data. This can pose a significant challenge for organizations seeking to license data for entire countries or even the entire globe, as the storage capacity needed for on-site hosting can be overwhelming. The API is Fathom’s cloud-based solution to data provision. With Fathom’s API, licensees can access any desired point or area of interest, within seconds, by simply querying the API. 

The API has been designed to enhance the interaction between clients handling large portfolios and Fathom’s data. It provides the flexibility to leverage comprehensive flood maps and rapidly retrieve the information you need, without needing to host terabytes of data on-site.

Sub-second access to

Global flood hazard and risk data

Covers fluvial, pluvial and coastal perils

Any climate scenario, out to 2100

Point or polygon queries

Large-portfolio compatible

Data returned as GEOTiff files

To get set up on the Fathom API, simply contact your account manager or request a consultation to determine whether the API is right for you. For those interested in sampling the interface before committing, our team can set up an artificial environment for you to test sample data within. 

Fathom Portal

The Fathom portal offers users a fast and straightforward solution to viewing geospatial data. The online tool harnesses technology that converts spatial files into live, interactive maps that are great for hosting, viewing and analyzing large amounts of raster or vector files – without the need for querying via an API or hosting on-site. 

Developed in collaboration with a partner, the Fathom Portal is ideal for users who do not have complex geospatial expertise in house, or are simply looking for a straightforward way to host and consume Fathom’s sample data and product range.

The Fathom Portal allows you to

Visualize Fathom’s flood hazard and risk data

Toggle between licensed layers and across regions, return periods, perils and climate scenarios

Streamline your data consumption

Direct Provision

Direct provision of data is a straightforward yet intensive solution for customers who have the capacity and desire to host vast amounts of data on-premise. Fathom can provide entire maps or regional shapefiles for all of its products. 

To access Fathom’s data, maps and models in this way, Fathom will share files with you in GEOTiff format via AWS services.

CatNet® Premium Plus

Fathom’s Flood Maps are now available in CatNet®, Swiss Re’s leading location intelligence platform. 

CatNet®, Swiss Re’s proprietary risk assessment tool, is used by insurers to analyze their exposure to natural catastrophe risk. This integration enables users to leverage multiple flood risk models simultaneously on a single platform, facilitating more comprehensive risk assessments. Book a consultation with our team to learn how you can access Fathom data through CatNet®.


Alongside working directly with Fathom, there are also options to go through a partner or third party platform. Whilst Fathom does offer in depth consultancy to its customers, it has partnered with a range of specialists in geocoding, cat model distribution, GIS and digital twin creation to support your needs.

Going through a partner is a good option if you:

Have complex physical hazard needs that extend beyond flood

You need more sophisticated consultancy and support

You want to leave the platform admin to a third party

Fathom data is available through a range of partners, these include:

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