Fathom’s Product Stack

Welcome to Fathom’s Product Stack. Fathom has designed the most sophisticated flood risk portfolio available to date.

It allows you to reveal the complexities of flood modeling and explore the features, components and methodologies that constitute our flood hazard and catastrophe models.

By exploring Fathom’s Product Stack you can expand your understanding of the methods that have led to the formation of Fathom’s products. Delve deep into our offerings, gain insight into our diverse range of geospatial data and risk tools, and uncover a wealth of information that will help you to leverage the full potential of Fathom’s portfolio.

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Method Stack

All of Fathom’s work begins with the Method Stack.

From the initial research identifying a new feature to the development of a process or automation – the Method Stack serves as the foundation for the exploration, assessment and implementation of ideas and processes.

Although end users may not be directly aware of the method stack, its layers greatly influence their experience of our products and the data within them.

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Terrain Processing

The quality of the terrain data used within a flood model directly affects the overall accuracy of its results.

Our products need a high-resolution, bare-earth digital representation of the Earth’s terrain in order to simulate the flow of water across a 2D grid.

To achieve this, we use a terrain processing methodology to correct and blend digital elevation data, remove surface objects and minimize error or bias.

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Channel Solver

When simulating water risk globally, how do you characterize the location and properties of every river?

Fathom’s Channel Solver uses computational fluid dynamics to calculate how large a channel needs to be in order to convey a specified flow of water within its banks. The method calculates the appropriate cross sectional area for every point along the river network, solving for depth given that other variables such as width and slope can be observed. This calculation is necessary because the depth of rivers cannot be measured over very large areas using remote sensing techniques.

  • 01Capture observed width from satellite data and slope from DEM
  • 02Calculate depth needed to convey the specified flow
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Water propagates across the Earth depending on the topography and the peril driving it. To represent this behavior, Fathom uses a bespoke hydrodynamic modeling suite designed and built by the team that helped to pioneer this modeling field. This method provides an approach that simulates hydrodynamic phenomena, including flash-flooding, riverine flooding and coastal inundation.

Inland Hydrodynamics

Simulating the movement of extreme river flows and extreme rainfall across the Earth’s surface.

Coastal Hydrodynamics

Propagating extreme coastal water-levels over neighboring land, including storm surges and extreme tides.

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Flood Frequency Analysis

In order to build physically based simulations of extreme events, we need to understand what the potential magnitude of these events may be.

Traditional statistical techniques for this determine the magnitude and frequency of flood events based on observational records, taken from gauges.

However, for most of the world gauge data does not exist. Fathom’s Flood Frequency Analysis uses data from gauged regions to predict the behavior of extreme events in regions where no gauge data exists.

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Hydrological Models

In order to anticipate how river flows may respond to climate change, to produce flood forecasts, and to understand how individual catchments relate to their neighbors during extreme events such as tropical cyclones, we need dynamical models computing how much water flows in rivers worldwide.

These models are called hydrological models. They simulate water exchanges between the atmosphere and the land surface, how water is stored and released by catchments, for instance through snow accumulation and melt, and how it travels through the river network.

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Climate Model Data

To represent risk today and into the future, Global Climate Model (GCM) Data is needed.

However, in their raw form, current GCMs are too coarse to directly drive high resolution flood models.

In order to understand how risk today is different to the past, and how it may further change in the future, Fathom leverages data from a number of carefully selected GCM experiments.

Using a range of transparent statistical techniques, our team translates climate model outputs into relevant modifiers that can be applied to our fine-scale flood models at various points in the modeling chain.

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Exposure and Vulnerability

Flood hazard data alone does not tell you everything about flood risk: for this you need to study the interaction of flooding with people, buildings, and businesses.

Therefore, once flood hazard data has been collated, the next step is to intersect it with data and methods that characterize global exposure and vulnerability. Fathom uses proprietary data and methods to simulate this translation from hazard to risk. These are then used to produce bespoke risk layers and to complete the calculation chain within our high-resolution OASIS-enabled catastrophe models.

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Model Builder

The final layer of the Method Stack is the Model Builder. This is where we bring all of the methods together and automate their delivery.

Automation is key to scaling traditional techniques for flood modeling and enabling efficient large-scale modeling.

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Component Stack

Fathom’s Component Stack contains geospatial datasets that underpin our products in conjunction with the Method Stack.

These layers are integral to our products. They represent the translation of our methods and research from theoretical concepts into tangible, practical data.

Let’s take a look at the various components that make up the stack.

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Global Terrain Data

Bare earth terrain data has applications that reach far beyond flood modeling. Whether it is gaming, mining or flood mapping, terrain models form an integral foundation for the formation of a digital-twin world. 

Working in collaboration with academic partners, Fathom has created the world’s most accurate bare-earth map of the world’s terrain, ranging from ~10 – 30m resolution.

This is achieved by cleansing the COP GLO-30 DEM and enriching it with LiDAR data where it is available. Fathom has now incorporated LiDAR across the planet. The end product is Fathom’s Global Terrain Data – FABDEM+.

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River Network

Fathom combines MERIT-DEM with additional water body data from sources like OpenStreetMap and Landsat satellite imagery to create a global river network.

The dataset, known as MERIT-Hydro, is considered the best global hydrography dataset for flood modeling. It accurately identifies main rivers and tributaries, and defines the upstream catchment area of every grid cell worldwide.

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Extreme River Flows

Estimating river flows for the entire globe is challenging. In many parts of the world, the data simply does not exist. Where there is data, flow records are generally limited with short record durations for most rivers.

To overcome this, Fathom has developed an approach for estimating extreme river flows globally. The method pools and transfers information from data-rich regions to data-poor regions for flood estimation in ungauged catchments.

This is achieved through machine learning techniques that have been trained using over 10,000 global gauging stations.

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Extreme Rainfall

Intense, short-duration pluvial events pose significant risk to many communities globally. However, in many parts of the world we do not have accurate local observations of extreme precipitation. This poses a challenge when attempting to simulate the behavior of pluvial events within a flood model.

To overcome limitations in globally available data, Fathom has established a machine learning process that links the characteristics of the locally observed sub-daily precipitation data to a suite of globally available parameters.

When scaled to the global extent, the result are global Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves, ‘extreme rainfall’, that provide the foundation of our pluvial flood layer.

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Extreme Sea Levels

Astronomical tides, storm surges, wind setup and wave setup, runup and overtopping are all drivers of coastal flooding, causing significant damage to coastal communities every year.

Despite this, only a small fraction of the world’s coastlines are gauged, meaning that we have limited historic records of the behavior of coastal floods.

To overcome this lack of data, Fathom has developed a method using a synthesis of global models and local tide gauge records, enabling the estimation of extreme coastal water levels anywhere on the planet.

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Flood Defenses

Globally, there is no comprehensive dataset that provides precise information about the location and standard of flood defenses. Yet, defenses are often highly influential in defining the impact of an extreme event.

In the absence of any location information, we estimate defenses within our models, using a combination of global defense standards and socio-economic data. This enables us to define protection standards and where these defenses are likely to exist.

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Event Set

Event-sets are a critical component of catastrophe models. These data represent the occurrence of plausible, spatially distinct flood events, thus differing from hazard layers in that they provide realistic footprints of discrete events. Fathom builds event sets that span thousands of years and cover the whole planet.

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Exposure Data

In partnership with RiskLayer, Fathom has built a dataset that determines exposure for every country in the world.

Achieved by downscaling proprietary capital stock estimates with the assistance of satellite observations, the exposure data identifies the values of different asset types globally, both economic and insured, split by residential, industrial, commercial, and by the height of the building.

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Damage Functions

Fathom’s Damage Functions provide estimations of potential damages caused by flood, taking into account specific characteristics that can impact properties.

Our catastrophe products contain a range of vulnerability characteristics, including the representation of damage to a variety of different residential, commercial and industrial buildings. These functions account for both direct, such as structural and contents, and indirect, including Average Living Expenses (ALE) and Business Interruption (BI). These relationships are then tailored to reflect unique features of each building, including number of stories and ground floor height.

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Risk Stack

Actionable intelligence for flood risk analysis, adaptation and mitigation

Our work is the culmination of over three decades of research, combined with the latest climate, hydraulic and hydrologic technology – as detailed in the stacks above.

The result is a comprehensive suite of products that can be used to identify, analyze and mitigate flood risk – both now and into the future.

Let’s take a look at the various products that make up Fathom’s Risk Stack.

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Global Flood Map

Fathom’s Global Flood Map provides a base view of flood hazard for anywhere in the world. Built upon the latest advancements in methods and input data, this product revolutionizes how we represent the impact of climate on flood risk within global hazard models.

The flood map represents hazard intensity for each peril over a 2D grid. This can then be customized to represent a variety of return periods, time horizons, emission pathways and climate scenarios so that you can explore all possible futures, stress test your assets and answer any internal and external questions that you may have.

The result is a consistent view of flood hazard that can be viewed at the global level or examined on a region-by-region basis.

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Climate Dynamics

The Climate Dynamics framework is a flexible tool designed to model the impact of climate change on global flooding and represent these within a range of plausible futures. A feature of Fathom’s Flood Maps, the framework addresses the challenges associated with representing future risk through climate model data and flood hazard, offering a solution that provides geographical granularity that can be applied globally.

Users of Climate Dynamics can fully customize their view of risk under different time horizons, climate scenarios and warming levels, within realistic combinations. Our team has explicitly represented climate model uncertainty by providing the median and likely range of outcomes based on the IPCC’s definition.

The result is a fully transparent framework that allows users to understand modeling assumptions and develop their own view of risk.

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Risk Scores

Risk Scores are an extension of Fathom’s Global Flood Map, providing users with easy-to-consume metrics around the level of flood risk for a given location. They can be used for portfolio profiling, investment due diligence, asset pricing and valuation, and underwriting. Risk professionals can utilize them as a preliminary risk screening tool or as a standalone asset risk metric. They offer a comprehensive, standardized approach for evaluating and comparing flood risk across entire portfolios.

The scores are available in two variations:

Relative Risk
Relative Risk combines flood depth, frequency, sub-peril and defense information. The result is a number that ranges from 0 to 1,000,000. It represents the Annual Average Loss for a uniform exposure type. This allows you to determine the relative flood risk at any given point on the planet.
Risk Category
Fathom Risk Category utilizes Relative Risk along with information about locations outside of, but proximate to, floodplains. This produces a metric ranging from 0 (least risk) to 100 (maximum risk).
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Metadata provides an industry-leading level of transparency. Certainty ranks provide a rating between 1 and 10 indicating the level of confidence in underlying data: 1 is low uncertainty, 10 is high uncertainty. Coupled with detailed terrain information such as date of capture and vertical accuracy this provides another dimension to inform flood risk decisions.

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Catastrophe Models

Our Catastrophe Models represent tens of thousands of years of synthetic flood events. Also referred to as financial loss models, these sophisticated risk-prediction tools model cumulative portfolio losses, from both frequent and extreme flood events, to build a complete picture of flood risk for a given portfolio of locations.

At present, Fathom has two catastrophe models available:
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So now that you have explored our product portfolio, learn how to access Fathom data wherever you need it.

On premise

Fathom’s products can be provided directly as a set of GeoTIFF files and hosted on premise.

Fathom API

Fathom’s API is a cloud-based solution for data provision that enables users to access Fathom data on-demand directly.

Fathom Portal

Fathom’s Portal is an interactive platform that enables users to host, view and analyze data, without the need for an in-house platform.


Fathom data is available through a range of partners.