Fathom’s data provide an invaluable source of information that can be used to mitigate against or respond to extreme events globally.

Our technology has the power to understand not only which areas will be affected, but also estimate when this will happen and what its impact will be. Bringing this data to regions where it has been historically scarce means that communities are able to adapt to the changing climate-driven landscape of extreme weather events. Specifically in developing countries where budgets for building climate resilience is limited, we are able to provide them with the information to prioritise where they can deploy assign resources for future development.


Our models are designed to help governments, developers and risk managers understand the risk of flooding in areas of the world that are traditionally data-scarce.

Fathom's Global Flood Map

Global Flood Map

Global flood mapping from the cutting edge of scientific research.

Fathom's Risk Scores

Risk Scores

Discover Fathom Risk Scores, powerful flood risk metrics for any global location, under any climate scenario.

Catastrophe Modeling

Thousands of years of synthetic flood events at your fingertips.

Features of Fathom flood models


Terrain data

Fathom’s models are underpinned by the best globally available terrain datasets for flood modelling. Our global base data are currently being upgraded from MERIT-DEM to a new dataset based called the Forest and Buildings Removed Copernicus DEM (FABDEM).

Our team collaborated in the creation of both ground-breaking datasets. Over certain parts of the globe even higher quality national terrain datasets are available, usually underpinned by laser altimeter data (LiDAR) or photogrammetry derived datasets. Wherever possible these national data are used, including across all of our country specific models.


Real time reporting

Fathom’s dynamic data and team of specialists can offer real-time reports in the lead up to and during a catastrophic event. Most recently this has been a part of an ongoing commitment to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office to produce impact reports for catastrophic events in developing countries.


River Channel Representation

Fathom’s global data benefits from a global hydrography map, MERIT-Hydro. This means that we have explicitly modelled every river channel in the world, regardless of size.


Plausible event sets

Understand the impact of real world events on different regions through our catalogue of event sets.


Risk Scores

Flood map showing Fathom's Risk Scores

Fathom’s flood data are now also available as Risk Scores. Offering a simple yet powerful way to compare the flood risk for assets across your portfolio. Available in two forms, Relative Risk and Risk Category, the metrics are designed to deliver a consistent method of understanding how flood risk varies from one location to another.

Discover Fathom Risk Scores

Interested in working with Fathom?

Enquire today to book a consultation with Fathom’s team of leading flood specialists.

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Keiko Saito World Bank Disaster Risk Management Specialist

Quote Having data from Fathom provided the rapid assessment team confidence in the damage numbers being reported on the ground. Normally running models is time-consuming, however, if available quickly and at a reasonable cost, this type of data is extremely useful.

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The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction & Recovery - Logo
Dr Brenden Jongman GFDRR Disaster Risk Management Specialist

Quote Fathom delivered high-quality and timely analyses to improve the global flood hazard classification in ThinkHazard!, and helped make the data available for disaster risk management activities in developing countries.

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