Chief Technical Officer

Dr Christopher Sampson

Dr Chris Sampson co-founded Fathom in 2013 while undertaking his PhD in Physical Geography at the University of Bristol. His academic studies focused on developing catastrophe models for the (re)insurance market and it was through this work that the need for better flood risk analytics at the global scale was identified, ultimately leading to the formation of Fathom.

As the business grew, Chris guided the development of our modelling framework, becoming known as a leading expert in the field of large-scale flood models through a growing record of academic publications.

Today, Chris oversees the technical team and works to ensure they have opportunities to push scientific boundaries whilst still delivering against our product roadmap. He has watched Fathom mature and take on a life of its own, and takes great pride in the opportunities it now offers to its team, the products it offers to the market, and the research it contributes back into academia.

Finding balance can be tricky for founders, and Chris firmly believes that bikes and exercise are two things that have kept him sane over the last decade – along with running around after his energetic spaniel!

Dr Christopher Sampson, Co-Founder and CTO at Fathom

Key topics

  • Catastrophe modeling
  • Flood risk
  • Hydrology
  • Remote sensing


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