Senior Scientific Developer

Dr Stephen Chuter

Stephen is a Senior Scientific Developer at Fathom. Using his Earth observation and computational modeling expertise, Stephen’s role involves investigating the integration of satellite data into Fathom’s platforms to develop scientifically robust, cutting-edge models. 

Stephen joined Fathom from the University of Bristol, where he held a European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative fellowship to explore how land ice mass has impacted regional sea levels over the past 30 years. Prior to this, Stephen worked on statistical modeling, combining Earth observation data and Bayesian modeling to better understand Antarctic mass change. He holds a PhD in Geography, which involved using the transformative ESA CryoSat-2 mission to better understand the morphology of Antarctic ice shelves, and its implications for mass change. 

At Fathom, Stephen relishes putting his scientific knowledge and the latest modeling techniques into play to help customers understand and address climate risks. He enjoys the friendly collaborative buzz at Fathom and its culture of camaraderie. His work lets him maintain his academic interests and links with the University of Bristol, where he holds an honorary Senior Research Fellow position.

In his spare time, Stephen enjoys running, putting his baking skills to the test and, when he can, a bit of swimming.

Key topics

  • Earth observation
  • Statistical methods
  • Scientific software


Contact Stephen