Project Manager

Alison Barr

Alison’s role is to support Fathom in creating new products and successfully delivering projects. As well as working on large projects herself, she coaches the technical leads in managing their own. Day-to-day, that means planning, helping teams to consider how tasks interrelate and which resources they might need, what risks are associated with them, dealing with issues and communicating both internally and externally. 

Her focus is also on developing Fathom’s processes and practices, future-proofing them and building resilience into the way the business manages projects.

Before joining Fathom in March 2024, Alison worked for Light and Wonder, a digital game company. Collaborating with everyone from artists to software developers, she built up an international project management function, worked on projects from concept through to compliance and legal aspects, and grew the team to run the entire digital game project portfolio globally. Before that, she was Head of Project Management Office at German SaaS company Cancom.

Alison enjoys working at Fathom because she is fascinated by the products and their end uses, but ultimately it was the open, forward-thinking culture that drew her here. 

Outside of work, Alison can usually be found running around after her toddler, in the garden, foraging in the woods or in the kitchen.
